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Metalltechnology Austria

Bilfinger Bohr- und Rohrtechnik GmbH

Adelheid Popp-Straße 8
A - 2120 Wolkersdorf
Telephone + 43 (0) 2245 211 03-0
E-Mail contact.bur@bilfinger.com
Web http://www.bur.bilfinger.com

Industrial pipelines for all media and operational data

(oil and gas supply systems,

petrochemical plants, pipings for the food and

paper industries, hydraulic systems)

Power plants (thermal and industrial power stations,

district heating plants)

Deep level pipelines (gas, water and district heating piping systems)

Shop production (apparatus, pressurized vessels,

heat exchangers, heat transfer stations, steel constructions,

prefabricated pipelines)

Technical building infrastructure for industrial purposes

Industrial service (maintenance work,

skilled personnel)

Plant engineering

Special services (shortstop work)


Questions? – Send an E-Mail to datenteam@fmti.at or call us at 05 90 900 DW 3438/3763.

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