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Metalltechnology Austria

DS Automotion GmbH

Lunzerstraße 60
A - 4030 Linz
Telephone + 43 (0) 732 69 57-5828
Fax + 43 (0) 732 69 80-6413
E-Mail info@ds-automotion.com
Web http://www.ds-automotion.com
Employees 51-100

Company Profile:

DS AUTOMOTION GmbH in Linz/Austria is specialises in Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGV) and offers its clients individual yet integrated transport and handling solutions. The internationally active company with its innovative and comprehensive services aims to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of its clients.

Since the company was found more than 20 years ago it has managed to attract not only such well-known names from the automotive industry as BMW, Volkswagen, Daimler, General Motors, VOLVO and Renault to name just a few, but also companies from the print and paper industry such as Sappi Fine Paper, Mondi Business Paper as well as the publishing houses Axel Springer and Gruner & Jahr.

DS AUTOMOTION GmbH has also provided industry with numerous installations of the classic pallet and pallet cage transport - not only for large firms such as Walgreens USA but also for small and medium sized businesses.

The company's products have gained much acclaim among experts, especially in hospitals. The university hospital Cologne and Münster, the hospital Klagenfurt, the Cleveland Clinc as well as the military hospital in Toulon - just to name a few - rely on DS AUTOMOTION's technology. Here the Automated Guided Vehicles manage the transport of roller containers with food , linen, medications, waste and much more.

Questions? – Send an E-Mail to datenteam@fmti.at or call us at 05 90 900 DW 3438/3763.

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