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Metalltechnology Austria

INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG

Achenseestraße 1-3
A - 6200 Jenbach
Telephone + 43 (0) 5244 600-0
Fax + 43 (0) 5244 600-527
E-Mail contact@innio.com
Web http://www.innio.com

GE Jenbacher is one of the world's leading manufacturers of gas-fueled reciprocating engines, packaged generator sets and cogeneration units for power generation and one of the few enterprises specialized exclusively in gas engine technology. The engines produced in Jenbach with an output-range between 0.3 and 3 MW run on natural gas, a wide variety of biogases, liquid gases and combustible industrial waste gases. Thanks to patented combustion systems and a sophisticated engine and plant management, Jenbacher GE engines not only comply with the severest emission regulations, but also score top in terms of cost-effectiveness and reliability. Many customers from trade, industry and municipalities rely already on the innovative solutions offered by GE Jenbacher for decentralized power supply. Depending on the client's demands, gas is transformed in electricity, heat and/or cold. Furthermore the company offers a comprehensive range of services, including operation contracts. The headquarters and production site of GE Jenbacher are located in Jenbach, Austria, with about 1,000 of the more than 1,300 employees worldwide.


Questions? – Send an E-Mail to datenteam@fmti.at or call us at 05 90 900 DW 3438/3763.

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