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Metalltechnology Austria

Ovivo Aqua Austria GmbH

Paracelsusweg 1
A - 8144 Haselsdorf-Tobelbad
Telephone + 43 (0) 3136 621 88-0
Fax + 43 (0) 3136 621 88-6
E-Mail info.at@ovivowater.com
Web http://www.ovivowater.com
Employees 0-50

Ovivo Aqua Austria GmbH is a Specialist for turnkey water treatment plants for power plants, automotive industry, breweries and beverage industry, paper and pulp industry, chemical industry.


- river water treatment by accelerators

- sludge dewatering

- surface water treatment by ultrafiltration

- multilayered and activated carbon filtration

- removal of iron, manganese and arsenic

- desalinization by ion exchangers

- condensate purification

- precipitation of heavy metals

- ammonium stripping

- oil/water separation by ceramic microfiltration

- desalinization by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration

- disinfection by ozone, UV and chlorine.

Questions? – Send an E-Mail to datenteam@fmti.at or call us at 05 90 900 DW 3438/3763.

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